import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; public class OptionButton extends JButton { public final static int ON = 1; public final static int OFF = 0; private boolean disabled = false; private int state = OFF; private JLabel myLabel; private String trueText = null; private Color[] backgroundArray = {null, null}; private Color textColor =; public OptionButton() { super(); } /** * Sets the JLabel that this OptionButton * is associated with. Necessary for the button to work properly with * text (the button does not have text inside it by default). * @param label The JLabel that this OptionButton * is associated with. */ public void setLabel(JLabel label) { myLabel = label; if (label.getText() != null) { trueText = label.getText(); } } /** * resturns the JLabel that is currently associated with this * OptionButton. * @return the JLabel that this OptionButton * is associated with. */ public JLabel getJLabel() { return myLabel; } public void setText(String text) { String pass = text; trueText = text; pass = "" + text + ""; myLabel.setText(pass); } public void setOnBackground(Color background) { backgroundArray[ON] = background; } public void setOffBackground(Color background) { backgroundArray[OFF] = background; } public void setTextColor(Color textColor) { this.textColor = textColor; setText(trueText); } public void setFont(Font font) { try { myLabel.setFont(font); } catch(NullPointerException e) { super.setFont(font); } } public void changeState() { if (disabled) return; state ^= 1; try { setBackground(backgroundArray[state]); } catch (NullPointerException e) { state ^= 1; //throw <> System.err.println("Unconfigured State\n"); return; } } public void changeState(int state) { if (this.state == state || disabled) return; this.state = state; try { setBackground(backgroundArray[state]); } catch (NullPointerException e) { //throw <> System.err.println("Unconfigured State\n"); return; } } public boolean isDeactivated() { return disabled; } public void deactivate() { if (disabled) return; disabled=true; setBackground(Color.gray); myLabel.setVisible(false); } public void activate() { if (!disabled) return; disabled = false; setBackground(backgroundArray[state]); myLabel.setVisible(true); } }