Links are provided for convenience only. Hyperlinks that Earthguide provides to external websites do not imply official Earthguide endorsement of, or responsibility for, the content contained on those sites. These are provided as a service to the user, and Earthguide does not retain editorial control over them. No endorsement of a product or a point-of-view should be inferred.

Basic hydrographic features of the oceans - WOCE data    EG original
North-south cross-sections of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans showing the following features - temperature, potential temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, apparent oxygen utilization, nitrate, phosphate, silica, and CFC-11.
Visualization from WOCE datasets by Jonathan Gerard - UCSD B.S. Computer Science, 2002; and
Wesley Bellanca - UCSD B.A. Visual Arts, 2002
Basic hydrographic features of the oceans    EG original
Global visualization at different oceanic depths showing the following features: temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, apparent oxygen utilization, nitrate, phosphate, and silica.
Visualization from Levitus 1994 datasets by Wesley Bellanca - UCSD B.A. Visual Arts, 2002
The Climate System
Slide collection for Physical Oceanography with a climate perspective.
From a course at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory by Hemming, Pfirman, Simpson, and Visbeck
UpCoastal Processes
Beach profiles
Comparison of winter vs. summer beach profiles, and comparison of winter vs. severe winters beach profiles.
Earthguide for Living with Coastal Change
Nearshore sediment discharge and transport
See how sediments in rivers moves into the coastal ocean - 1) as a result of normal low river discharge and 2) as a result of flood discharge events.
Earthguide for Living with Coastal Change
UpScientific Tools & Methods
Sonar-based seafloor mapping methods
Summary of how echo-sounding, multibeam, side-scan sonar and seismic reflection mapping methods work.
Earthguide for Sea Floor Science
Waves - Wind waves    EG original
Diagram showing oscillatory motion of water in a progressive wind wave.
Waves - Seiche    EG original
Diagram showing motion of water in aseiche.
Water cycle animation    EG original
Flash animation.
Animation by Toni Michel - UCSD B.A. Visual Arts, 2003
Groundwater animation
Flash animation.
Animation by Toni Michel - UCSD B.A. Visual Arts, 2003
Photosynthesis game    EG original
Flash animation.
Animation by Wesley Bellanca - UCSD B.A. Visual Arts, 2002
Tidepool    EG original
Diagram showing vertical distribution of different types of organisms in a southern California tidepool.
SIO Explorations and Earthguide
UpFaults and other uphevals
Faults animation    EG original
Flash animation.
Animation by Alex Hawkins - UCSD
UpHow old is that rock?
1999 Geologic Time
Detailed time scale chage that includes geomagnetic polarity reversals. Suitable for printing.
The Geological Society of America
Groundwater animation    EG original
Flash animation.
Animation by Toni Michel - UCSD B.A. Visual Arts, 2003
UpMineral resources
Download Chime viewer
Chime allows you to view 3-D molecular structures on the web.
Mohs' scale of hardness
Coming soon.
UpPlate Tectonics
Major tectonic plates    EG original
Diagram by Wesley Bellanca - UCSD B.A. Visual Arts, 2002.
Plate reconstruction movie
From the present back to 600 million years ago
Diagram by Robert Tsang - UCSD B.A. ICAM, 2005;
Reconstructions by Dr. Ron Blakey, Department of Geology, Northern Arizona University
The Paleogeographic Atlas Project
Site contains maps showing the distributions of tectonic plates over geologic time. Unlike other sites that only show changes in the position of the tectonic plates, the paleogeographic reconstructions here show changes in the distribution of oceans vs. land.
  • Direct Link to movies, maps, and slideshows
    University of Chicago
  • Paleomap Project
    Plate tectonic and paleoclimate animations.
    Christopher R. Scotese
    PLATES Project
    Plate tectonic reconstructions
    L. A. Lawver, M. F. Coffin, I. W. D. Dalziel, L. M Gahagan, D. M. Campbell, and R. M. Schmitz,
    University of Texas Institute for Geophysics
    Reconstructions by Tanya Atwater
    Plate tectonic reconstructions with an emphasis on southern California.
    Educational Multimedia Visualization Center; UC Santa Barbara
    Juan de Fuca
    Paleomagnetic anomaly map and animation showing evolution the anomaly pattern.
    Richard Hey, University of Hawaii at Manoa
    ODSN Plate Reconstruction Service
    Create plate reconstruction maps to your own specifications. Includes paleo-location of ODP Drilling Sites.
    Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network (ODSN), GEOMAR, University of Bremen
    Geologic time scale
    U.S. Geological Survey
    1999 Geologic Time
    Detailed time scale chage that includes geomagnetic polarity reversals. Suitable for printing..
    The Geological Society of America
    The Earth's Atmosphere    EG original
    Flash animation.
    Animation by Aren Hansen
    UpEarth history
    UpTime Scales
    Geologic Time Scale
    U.S. Geological Survey
    1999 Geologic Time
    Detailed time scale chage that includes geomagnetic polarity reversals. Suitable for printing.
    The Geological Society of America
    UpEl Niño/Southern Oscillation
    El Niño SST Maps
    Maps showing global SST evolution for the 1997/1998 1987/1989, and 1982/1983 El Niņos.
    UpGlobal Change
    Greenhouse effect    EG original
    Flash animation.
    Animation by Aren Hansen - UCSD M.S. Environmental Chemistry, 2001
    Global energy balance    EG original
    Other information goes here
    Other information goes here
    Animation by Wesley Bellanca - UCSD B.A. Visual Arts, 2002
    UpScience in action
    UpIn the field
    Sides of a Ship
    See how well you do at identifying the sides of a ship.
    Earthguide for Descent to Mid-Atlantic Ridge
    UpObserving from afar
    UpBasic science tools
    Photosynthesis    EG original
    Flash animation - game and attached animation.
    Animation by Wes Bellanca and Memorie Yasuda
    Download Chime viewer
    Chime allows you to view 3-D molecular structures on the web.
    Absorption of electromagnetic radiation by an atom    EG original
    Flash animation.
    Animation by Aren Hansen - UCSD M.S. Environmental Chemistry, 2001
    © 1999-2005 by Earthguide and Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
    All rights reserved.

    Updated: December 8, 2005