Links are provided for convenience only. Hyperlinks that Earthguide provides to external websites do not imply official Earthguide endorsement of, or responsibility for, the content contained on those sites. These are provided as a service to the user, and Earthguide does not retain editorial control over them. No endorsement of a product or a point-of-view should be inferred.

UpHard-to-find supplies
128 South Encinitas Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016
Orders: 626-358-4478
Fax: 626-358-7855
Great assortment of rocks and minerals for the classroom at reasonable prices. If you find yourself in Monrovia, California, the shop makes a wonderful field trip for the teacher. Remember to call ahead though - the shop is part of a home. I have not found them on the web but a catalog is available.
Kane Scientific Company
Hand-sized models of foraminifera.
Ward's Natural Science
Educational supplies. They sell micropaleontology slides for picking foraminifera. Search under "micropaleontology slides".
Suppliers of Microslides
List of sources from the International Research Group on Ostracoda. Includes supplies for foraminifera.
Supplier for picking foraminifera located in Germany.
Newark Wirecloth Company
Source of sieves used for sediment sieving. Includes sieves suitable for processing foraminfera.
California Geological Survey
Geologic maps of California at several scales and assorted survey maps. Look for detailed maps of your County. See other online information.
U.S. Geological Survey
Find a local vendor for topographic maps covering your area of interest.
UpComputing Tools
NIH Image
"NIH Image is a public domain image processing and analysis program for the Macintosh. It was developed at the Research Services Branch (RSB) of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
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All rights reserved.

Updated: December 8, 2005