
Breakup of Gondwanaland

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Credits and sources:
Animation:  Gondwana animnation
Scientific paper:  Reeves and de Wit, 2000. Making ends meet in Gondwana: retracing the transforms of the Indian Ocean and reconnecting continental shear zones. Terra Nova, 12:272-280.

- a large supercontinent that existed in the southern hemisphere, clustered near the Antarctic Circle, before it began to break up ~200 million years ago.

The tectonic plates that separated from Gondwanaland including South America, Africa, India, Australia, Antarctica, among others, are called "Gondwana" continents.

Except for Antarctica, the breakup caused most plates to move away from the south polar areas. India moved exceptionally far north and crossed into the northern hemisphere.

The existence and breakup of Gondwanaland helped to explain the presence of fossils Glossopertis fauna and mesosaurus) common to the Gondwana continents.

Questions for thought
  1. When did Gondwana start?

  2. Which continents do not have shared species that originated in Gondwanaland connections?