Earthguide Online Classroom
Earth science that relates

Key resources
Guide for homeowners

Homeowner's Guide to Earthquake Safety

The California Seismic Safety Commission
Online Seismic Risk Maps

What is the risk of earthquake-triggered landslide and liquefaction where you live?

(Online maps are not available for most areas south of Orange County yet. Fast internet suggested.)

Map examples
  • Prelim maps -
     Pt. Loma

  • S. California.
  • N. California.
  • Online map viewer

Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones

Information about Alquist-Priolo (AP) zoning and how it affects sale of properties (including homes) in California."

Map example
  • Prelim map -
     Pt. Loma

California Geological Survey

Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country

Information in both English and Spanish on how to prepare your family and home for an earthquake.

Southern California Earthquake Center

Earthquake Country Alliance

California Seismic Safety Commission
"The Commission investigates earthquakes, researches earthquake-related issues and reports, and recommends to the Governor and Legislature policies and programs needed to reduce earthquake risk. Among the duties of the Commission are:
- excerpt from their website November 29, 2007
  • Managing California's Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
  • Reviewing seismic activities funded by the State
  • Providing a consistent policy direction for earthquake-related programs for agencies at all government levels
  • Proposing and reviewing earthquake-related legislation
  • Conducting public hearings on seismic safety issues
  • Recommending earthquake safety programs to governmental agencies and the private sector
  • Investigating and evaluating earthquake damage and reconstruction efforts following damaging earthquakes"

California Geological Survey - Seismic Hazards Zonation Program

Seismic hazard zones map for San Juan Capistrano.
Similar maps for San Diego and Imperial Counties are not yet available.
This agency produces seismic hazard maps for California. A hazard is ... such as

Detailed maps are currently available for the Bay Area south of the Golden Gate along the San Andreas , and mostly Los Angeles, Ventura and Orange Counties in southern California. Detailed maps for San Diego and Imperial Counties are not available yet. The southernmost maps are currently being produced for the area near Temecula.

California Department of Conservation

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at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
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