Earthguide Online Classroom

Blue Marble view of the western hemisphere of the Earth.

The 8 planets and Pluto
Note that the distances to the Sun and the size of the planets are not to scale.
Source: NASA

Questions for discussion

  1. Is the distance to the Sun the most important variable that controls the surface temperature of a planet?

    • Of the four innermost rocky planets, which has the highest surface temperature?

    • Is the Moon closer to the Sun than the Earth?

  2. How does rotation affect surface temperature?

    • Does the Moon rotate?

    • Does the same side of the Moon always face away from the Sun?

  3. How should an astronaut dress on the Moon - for cold or hot weather?

  4. What factors are important in setting the surface temperatures of the other rocky planets?

    • What are the surface temperature extremes of Mercuery, Venus, and Mars>?

    • Does temperature vary consistently with distance from the Sun?

    • Does temperature vary consistently with rotation rate?

    • Does temperature vary with presence of an atmosphere?

    • Does temperature vary with presence of greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide?

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Take away concepts

  • That surface temperatures is related to the concentration of sunlight that falls on a planet over time, and the proportion of energy absorbed by the atmosphere, oceans and ground.

  • That the concentration of sunlight that falls on a planet depends on the distance to the Sun, and the length of time that a planet faces the Sun.

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