&start=Click on Hawaii. &hawaii=Congratulations! You found Hawaii! &emperor= Very close! That's the Hawaiian Emperor Seamount Chain, but NOT the state of Hawaii... &hot=You're very close, but not quite at Hawaii... &warm=That's not Hawaii, but you're getting warmer... &north=That's the Pacific Ocean. You're in the right place,but not quite at Hawaii... &south=That's the Pacific Ocean. You're in the right place, maybe try looking more north... &namerica=That's North America. You're looking for an island... &samerica=That's South America. You're looking for an island... &africa=That's Africa. You're looking for an island... &europe=That's Europe. You're looking for an island... &asia=That's Asia. You're looking for an island... &australia=That's Australia. You're looking for an island... &antartica=Way too cold! That's Antartica, try looking for some place warmer... &newzealand=That's New Zealand. You're looking for another island... &madagascar=That's Madagascar. You're looking for another island... &greenland=That's Greenland. You're looking for another island... &iceland=That's Iceland. You're looking for another island... &atlantic=That's the Atlantic Ocean. Try looking in a different ocean... &indian=That's the Indian Ocean. Try looking in a bigger ocean...