Earthguide Online Classroom

    Earth's atmosphere

Montly total rainfall betweeen October-September by "water year."
The water year is labeled with the year in which the water year ends.
Unlike a graph by the calendar year, a graph by water year shows a continous record of rainfall over a season of rainfall that extends across the winter months.
* Data not yet proofed.
* Sources to be added.

Examples of extreme rain and drought years

  1. High rainfall (by end of water year)
    1884 1941 2005 1978 1922
    1993 1983 1952 1998 1995
  2. Low rainfall (by end of water year)
    2002 1961 1877 2007 1863
    1904 1934 1956 1959 1857

Questions for thought

  1. Why is the record of rainfall in San Diego so short compared with some other cities?
  2. Is there a way for scientists to estimate annual rainfall before 1851?

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