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 Research Areas
 Mini Grant
 Public Outreach
 Space Grant
 Director's Team
The California Space Institute (CalSpace) is a multi-campus research unit (MRU) of the University of California. It strives for excellence in research and education in space-related sciences, engineering and technology.

Research Areas

Since its creation by the University of California (UC) Regents in 1980, it has grown to include a research staff of about thirty of the world's best scientists who conduct research that contributes to all aspects of the space program. Researcher's contributions range from fundamental research in space sciences, earth sciences and space-related engineering and technology to the more applied areas of remote sensing technology utilized in environmental monitoring, identification of earth resources, communications technology, and the improvement of agricultural development. A segment of this research draws heavily upon Earth remote sensing information that can only be gathered by satellites with their unique vantage point.

Research Partnerships

Many CalSpace research and educational projects create partnerships between the government, industrial organizations, top scientists and students from the undergraduate and graduate levels. These interactive working and learning relationships create a flow of information between the experts and the community; thus, public awareness and the understanding of science are increased. Moreover, these programs provide students with an opportunity to work directly with today's top experts in the fields where they will become the experts of tomorrow.

Mini Grant

CalSpace also maintains a peer-reviewed granting program (Mini Grant) that supports researchers throughout the UC system. The Mini Grant program has been extremely successful in providing "seed" funding for innovative research projects on all campuses of the University of California. For nearly twenty years, up to forty researchers have received Mini Grants annually. Many of the research results from these projects are accessible through the Research page of this web site. Please Note: Mini -Grants for the 2000-2001 year will not be offered.

Public Outreach and Education

Although research is a fundamental tool to gain understanding of the universe around us, conveying that knowledge and its value to the general public are also essential. This knowledge has the power to influence public policy, give the general public a better understanding of the world that surrounds them, and develop new technology to effectively improve our quality of life. It is the CalSpace mission to ensure that the University of California is a major producer of valuable space-related research and engineering technologies and that this work is communicated to the public in an understandable and effective manner.

California Space Grant Consortium

In addition to the contribution to space research directly made by CalSpace, the research unit was also responsible for the creation of the California Space Grant Consortium. Details on the roles and responsibilities of this collaboration can be found at http://calspace.ucsd.edu/spacegrant/california NASA’s National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, which sponsors space-related education training and outreach across the United States, can be found at http://calspace.ucsd.edu/spacegrant.

The Director's Team

Information about the undergraduate student team responsible for the design and maintenance of this site is available on the Director's Team page. ey Pines State Reserve is 2000 acres of unspoiled beaches and land. The eight miles of trails in the park include sights of lagoons, plant life, and migrating birds. CalSpace Director, Wolf Berger, and the participants in his Landscapes of San Diego class have compiled a trail map to explain the plants and landscapes that visitors can expect to see while on the trails.

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