California standards
Summary from Science Framework

Standard Set 6.
Energy in the Earth System (Climate and Weather)

This standard set is designed to help students focus on the various factors that produce climate and weather. Since the study of the water (hydrologic) cycle is fundamental to understanding weather, teachers should review that cycle during the study of Standard Set 6. In standard sets taught previously in the lower grade levels, weather was introduced, as a phenomenon, followed by a discussion of the procedures in which weather is observed, measured, and described. Subsequently, weather maps were introduced, and students should have learned to read and interpret topographic maps. The Investigation and Experimentation standards for grades six and seven also called for students to construct scale models and make predictions from accumulated evidence. Teachers should review the concept of pressure with the students.

excerpt from:
Chapter Five: Earth Science, Investigation and Experimentation.
Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, 2004.
California Department of Education.

Acquired from online source on July 13, 2007.



Core concepts and related resources 

Prerequisites: Earth science 


Engaging and relevant topics 

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