Questions for discussion
Is the distance to the Sun the most important variable that controls the surface temperature of a planet?
Of the four innermost rocky planets, which has the highest surface temperature?
Is the Moon closer to the Sun than the Earth?
How does rotation affect surface temperature?
How should an astronaut dress on the Moon - for cold or hot weather?
What factors are important in setting the surface temperatures of the other rocky planets?
What are the surface temperature extremes of Mercuery, Venus, and Mars>?
Does temperature vary consistently with distance from the Sun?
Does temperature vary consistently with rotation rate?
Does temperature vary with presence of an atmosphere?
Does temperature vary with presence of greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide?
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Take away concepts
That surface temperatures is related to the concentration of sunlight that falls on a planet over time, and the proportion of energy absorbed by the atmosphere, oceans and ground.
That the concentration of sunlight that falls on a planet depends on the distance to the Sun, and the length of time that a planet faces the Sun.
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