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Resources for field trips to Scripps Institution of Oceanography
To find more content resources, go to the Content links under the Teachers section of Earthguide Online Classroom located in the upper right-hand corner. Go now

Preview - Mystery Detectives
For middle school
For notification when this goes online, send e-mail address to Memorie Yasuda.
For middle school
For notification when this goes online, send e-mail address to Memorie Yasuda.

Preview - Undersea Detectives
For high school
For notification when this goes online, send e-mail address to Memorie Yasuda.
For high school
For notification when this goes online, send e-mail address to Memorie Yasuda.
Earthguide Online Classroom
Online educational resources in the areas of Earth, marine and environmental sciences for people living in the San Diego region and Southern California.
Earthguide at the Geoscience Research Division of Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Online educational resources in the areas of Earth, marine and environmental sciences for people living in the San Diego region and Southern California.
Earthguide at the Geoscience Research Division of Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Online educational resources in the areas of Earth, marine and environmental sciences for people who don't necessarily live in Southern California.
Earthguide at the Geoscience Research Division of Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Online educational resources in the areas of Earth, marine and environmental sciences for people who don't necessarily live in Southern California.
Earthguide at the Geoscience Research Division of Scripps Institution of Oceanography
California Coastal Records Project
Photographs of the entire California coastline.
Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman
Photographs of the entire California coastline.
Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman
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at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
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