&part1=Skull &part1_description=Complex bony or cartilaginous protective skeleton of the head and support for moving parts such as the jaws and gill flaps. &part2=Brain &part2_description=The centralized part of the nervous system that includes all higher nervous centers. Enclosed within the skull and continuous with the spinal cord. &part4=Kidney &part4_description=Paired excretory organ that filters wastes (urea) from blood. Excretes waste and water as urine, and regulates osmotic concentration. Variable structure and function. &part5=Vertebral Column &part5_description=Backbone consisting of multiple vertebrae through which the spinal never cord runs. Structural support for blocks of muscle (myotomes). &part6=Myotomes &part6_description=Blocks of body muscle that "flake" when cooked. Two myotomes per vertebrae in some fishes. Each myotome divided into four parts you see in a fish "steak". &part8=Testes &part8_description=Paired male reproductive glands. &part9=Gas Bladder &part9_description=Gas-filled structure used to control buoyancy, produce or receive sound, and respiration. Derived from digestive system or lung. May be absent. &part10=Intestine &part10_description=Elongate tubular canal, past the stomach and pyloric caeca. Functions in digestion and elimination. Shorter in carnivores than herbivores. &part11=Pyloric Caeca &part11_description=Finger-like sacs attached to the anterior (headward) side of the intestines. Likely involved in digestion and absorption. Can be absent or numerous. &part12=Spleen &part12_description=Structure involved in blood-cell formation. &part13=Stomach &part13_description=Opening between the anus and the anal fin where the fish will excrete either eggs or sperm. Located posterior (tailward) of the anus. &part14=Liver &part14_description=Large usually bilobed gland that secretes bile and stores glycogen, among other functions. Bile is used to digest fats. &part15=Heart &part15_description=Muscle that contracts and pumps blood that circulates through the body. &part16=Gills &part16_description=Paired structures used to extract dissolved oxygen from water. Consists of finely divided surface across which water flows and oxygen dissolves into the bloodstream. &part17=Stomach &part13_description=Hollow, muscular organ between the esophagus and intestines where food is digested. True stomach absent in many fishes.