Mystery Epicenter
Determining earthquake location based on spatial distribution of seismic data

There's been an earthquake.

The seismologist at the local TV station is sick! They call YOU and your friends to cover the local earthquake report!

You must locate the epicenter, produce the report, and go live to inform your audience.
Will you provide timely and accurate reporting?

Mission details:

Working in groups of three, you and two of your classmates will produce the news story. One of you will play the roles of - seismologist, news reporter and witness at the scene.

You will rely on each other's expertise to locate the earthquake epicenter as a group, using a triangulation technique used by real scientists.

Once you've found the location of the earthquake, each of you will research your roles and work together to deliver the story.

The audience will act on the information in your report.


Project info:

This activity was produced by Earthguide, the Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE) - California, and the Enhancing Science Education Through Technology (ESETT) program at the EdTech Department at San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD).

Teacher - Felicia Ryder at Wangenheim Middle School, San Diego Unified School District.
Educator/web developer - Memorie Yasuda at Earthguide, Geosciences Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Educational technologies resource teacher - Mike Senise at ESETT, San Diego Unified School District.
Scientist - Dr. Cheryl Peach at COSEE and Scripps Institution of Oceanography.