Students imagine themselves located at multiple sonar stations that encircle the Earth. Each student receives a unique seismogram for an earthquake that has taken place somewhere in the world. Their collective task is to determine the general location of the earthquake based on seismic wave arrival times.
Time - 3 days
Number of students accommodated - 36.
Wallspace - place to post 3' x 3' wall chart of cutaway Earth
Computers - one per 2-3 students.
This activity was produced by Earthguide, the Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE) - California, and the Enhancing Science Education Through Technology (ESETT) program at the EdTech Department at San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD). Teacher - Felicia Ryder at Wangenheim Middle School, San Diego Unified School District. Educator/web developer - Memorie Yasuda at Earthguide, Geosciences Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Educational technologies resource teacher - Mike Senise at ESETT, San Diego Unified School District. Scientist - Dr. Cheryl Peach at COSEE and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. |