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Maps, data, images Ocean - The Basics Weather
Forces of Nature Sea Floor Science Living with
Coastal Change Tsunami Quickguide Diatoms: Living opals MAR: Descent to the
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
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Passing by in 2013? Hurricane Sandy
satellite video (large) Miles of pumice floats on ocean Sahara Fertilizes Amazon U.S. Drought and the food web U.S. Drought conditions California in your lifetime? Do we need wild animals
and plants? SIO research:
Making use of a reef pest Underwater historic sites Early corn: Anticipating climate Texas-sized drought Best photo of Earth yet! Oldest living thing? Google celebrates geologist New Antarctic Yeti Crab Extinction rate & climate change The quasicrystal Coastal Collapse, San Pedro, CA Nautilus loved to death Wooly mastodon for dinner? Hurricane Sandy satellite movie Scripps Pier Cam back! Now HD Video: Dancing aurora Mississippi flood, 2011 Mississippi flood, 1993 NASA: Vital Signs of the Planet Tsunami arrives at Scripps Japan Tsunami Simulation 2011 Japan earthquake 2011, USGS Toxic algae, stinky fish in Redondo Mt. Merapi Eruptions in Pictures Cuttlefish Video Screens Wolf's New Book - OCEAN
their fish Mining those asteroids Invasion of the giant squids! Comet ISON:
Passing by in 2013? Hurricane Sandy
satellite video (large) Miles of pumice floats on ocean Sahara Fertilizes Amazon U.S. Drought and the food web U.S. Drought conditions California in your lifetime? Do we need wild animals
and plants? SIO research:
Making use of a reef pest Underwater historic sites Early corn: Anticipating climate Texas-sized drought Best photo of Earth yet! Oldest living thing? Google celebrates geologist New Antarctic Yeti Crab Extinction rate & climate change The quasicrystal Coastal Collapse, San Pedro, CA Nautilus loved to death Wooly mastodon for dinner? Hurricane Sandy satellite movie Scripps Pier Cam back! Now HD Video: Dancing aurora Mississippi flood, 2011 Mississippi flood, 1993 NASA: Vital Signs of the Planet Tsunami arrives at Scripps Japan Tsunami Simulation 2011 Japan earthquake 2011, USGS Toxic algae, stinky fish in Redondo Mt. Merapi Eruptions in Pictures Cuttlefish Video Screens Wolf's New Book - OCEAN
Descent to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Map courtesy Donna Blackman.
Descent to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Join Scripps researcher, Dr. Donna Blackman and the entire scientific team, as they guide the deep submersible Alvin to probe the depths of the North Atlantic—exploring undersea mountains of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Descent to Mid-Atlantic Ridge
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