Quake detectives


"Discussing the origins of "hotspot" volcanicsm"
Donny L. Hamilton, Nautical Archaeology Program, Texas A&M University.
TeraShake 2 Project
"The TeraShake simulations modeled the earth shaking that would rattle Southern California if a 230 kilometer section of the San Andreas fault ruptured producing a magnitude 7.7 earthquake. Two rupture scenarios were simulated, one rupturing from north to south, beginning near Wrightwood, California, and a second one rupturing from south to north, starting near Bombay Beach, California."
Southern California Earthquake Center
"Discussing the origins of "hotspot" volcanicsm"
Donny L. Hamilton, Nautical Archaeology Program, Texas A&M University.
TeraShake 2 Project
"The TeraShake simulations modeled the earth shaking that would rattle Southern California if a 230 kilometer section of the San Andreas fault ruptured producing a magnitude 7.7 earthquake. Two rupture scenarios were simulated, one rupturing from north to south, beginning near Wrightwood, California, and a second one rupturing from south to north, starting near Bombay Beach, California."
Southern California Earthquake Center